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Відео-семінар (Video Workshop)

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Відео-семінар (Video Workshop)

Хочете знімати, але не знаєте як? 🎥❓
Візьміть камери, телефони (незалежно від того, що ви можете знімати) і приєднайтеся до творчого відео процесу!

Дата: 25 липня 2019, 16:00 - 19:00
Місце: ЦУКР (Руська 46А, 201)
Do you want to film but do not know how? 🎥❓

We will help! We offer a FREE intensive video course.⬇

During the second meeting on 25.07 we will move on to practice - we will start filming. ❤
Take cameras, phones (whatever with what you can shoot) and join the creative video process!

During the workshop you will see what digital stories are, learn about tips & tricks of video masters, you can ask all questions on the topic of video that you have on your mind, chat with like-minded people and just meet new people.

We invite everyone to join, and especially if you:
📌 You want to create a blog (or develop a channel) on Youtube
📌 Start making video
Learn how to use a camera and how to professionally shoot with your mobile phone
📌Just interested in the topic of video

Tell us about your friends and invite them with you! It is gonna be creative!

Date: July 25, 2019, 16:00 - 19:00
Place: CUKR (Ruska 46A, 201)

Entrance is free. Registration for participants from non-EU countries is required: https://forms.gle/jaAhRVUUAZx337aCA
▶Participants from non-EU countries must bring a passport or a residence card if available in order to confirm a registration.
▶The meeting is held in English🇬🇧
▶Please arrive 15 minutes earlier to confirm your registration and take a seat.

There will also be cookies 🍪 and drinks ☕



Культурний захід





Ціна на вхід



Нижньосілезьке воєводство

CUKR - Centrum Ukraińskie Kultury i Rozwoju Ruska 46A/201, 50-079 Wroclaw, Poland


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